Princi: Spirito di Milano

Baker in the Princi kitchen.
Princi bread and bakers.

Rocco Princi is a baker from a small Italian village. When he started baking bread, he found his calling. When he moved north to Milan, he found his muse. The city fed his artistry and in return, he fed the city. From early morning to aperitivo, he kept his ovens on and his doors open. He became known for breads, pastries, pizza and desserts—all made with extraordinary ingredients and an obsessive attention to detail. He met and befriended Howard Schultz, a kindred spirit in craftsmanship who understood the life-changing magic of Milan.

Princi. It's an invitation. To eat, drink and live Italian. To savor a meal with all five senses. To linger over aperitivo with friends. To immerse yourself fully in the Spirito di Milano, surrounded by good food and design.

Princi. It's a family. A legacy started by Rocco, the artisan of bread. To be continued by Ettore, the master of pizza, and Pietro, the prince of pastries. But for Rocco, the notion of family extends beyond his bloodline. The commessas and bakers at his shops are family; so are the farmers and artisans who supply his ingredients.Princi. It's a place. Actually many places. You can find it in Milan, London and our Starbucks Reserve™ Roasteries in Seattle, New York, Chicago, Tokyo and Shanghai. Come hungry.